* * *
Was it in my dreams
alternating through my mind
as soon as we’ve heard of your visit
you’ve made us all electrified.
We need no conducting wires!
Electricity runs far and wide
connections are passing through the air
(even Ether afterwards).
Serbdom stands - an ageless tree
like a mother to her sons - its leaves;
most vibrant one did not stay
fluttered off and flew away.
O, virtuous Tesla, you chose a distant nation,
by stronger current you were propelled
to a land more fertile for your imagination,
where your horizons would be swelled.
Tesla, it worked out after all,
your boundless thoughts triumphed in the end,
you conquered distances not so small
returned to be welcomed by your motherland.
Embrace the land that nurtured thee,
lay your head upon her chest, valued son,
every branch of the proud Serbdom tree
espouses Tesla as its next of kin.
Belgrade is very jubilant today
with its genius, shaking hands
opening a heart that’s filled with joy
to the Serb renowned in many lands.
Though once again you’re on your way
our rendezvous brief, and like no other
and since you could no longer stay
carry our warmth as brother to brother.
Your vision has come to fruition,
enormous and wondrous;
all distances are gone, broken to depletion
forging new links between us.
Our leaflet will realize and feel
its every vein from its own tree.
The electricity will forever enable
(the electricity of our hearts)
our connection with no wire, with no cable.
Translation by:
Zeljko Sulaver
Lydia Emanuel
Lillian Beltaos
March 01, 2021