Tesla ti si svetlost nasa

Dao si je celom svetu

A svim nama, sto smo ljudska rasa,

  ponos da smo
Iz tvog rodnog kraja, najboljem cvetu. 

U Beograd svi idemo
Da se lepo provedemo, 
Da vidimo muzej tvoj
Kom se divi veliki broj
Ljudi mladi, ljudi stari
Ceo svet se tobom bavi.

Genialac ti si bio
Mnogo toga si otkrio.
Verujemo da si ovde
I Koronu bi suzbio.

Pozdrav svima “TESLOVCIMA”

                                                                                 Mira iz Danske, rodjena u Srbiji

(Literal) Translation: the original in Serbian rhymes throughout)



Tesla you are our light

Which you gave to the entire world

And to all of us,

Pride that we are from your homeland,

The most beautiful flower.


We all visit Belgrade

To have a good time,
To see your museum
That is admired by many
Young people, old people,

The entire world is engaged with you.

You were a genius

Many things you discovered.

We believe that if you were with us now

You would conquer CORONA too.

                                          Greetings to all “Teslaians”

                                                                                         Mira from Denmark, originally from Serbia